General Hydroponics Flash Clean (Flora Kleen)
From rejuvenating houseplants to maximising yields and potential in commercial hydroponics, FlashClean® is one of the most powerful tools available to gardeners!
Eventually, every growing system will develop fertilizer residue as a natural part of the growing process. This accumulation results in salt build-up that can block drippers, cause unsightly accumulations on the top of soil or substrate, and will eventually cause your plants undue stress and even root damage. With the highly concentrated nutrients available today, and high EC levels running in many systems, nutrient lockout can also be an invisible limit on your grow; FlashClean® solves all these problems and more:
- Dissolves accumulated fertiliser salts
- Corrects nutrient balance
- Treats nutrient lock out
- Nourishes microbial life and refreshes soil and coco coir
- Maximises final stage growth (especially with FinalPart®)