Acoustic Ducting
- Acoustic ducting – reduces the noise being produced along the ducting section
- Contains a layer of sound & heat insulating fibreglass
- Tough and flexible
- Less heat given off from the ducting
- Available in a choice of Diameters for any of our extraction fans / systems
- 5 or 10 metres long
Acoustic ducting consists of an inner layer and an outer layer of flexi-ducting separated by a layer of insulating fibreglass in-between. As air passes down normal flexi-ducting, the sound of the fan and the flowing air vibrates the ducting producing noise. The insulating layer of fibreglass in our acoustic ducting prevents the vibration from getting from the inside layer of flexi-ducting to the outside layer of flexi-ducting. If the noise from your standard flexi-ducting is causing a problem, using acoustic ducting will help reduce it.
Please note: Acoustic ducting will not stop your duct-fan itself from producing noise. To help reduce the noise from your duct-fan, try installing it by hanging it from bungee cords. Acoustic ducting will also not completely silence the sound of the air coming out of the end. We stock a range of silencers which will help reduce this noise. Air noise can be further reduced by creating swept bends rather than having sharp right-angles when going around corners and by stretching out the ducting as much as possible.